
Welcome to Musashi  Academy of the Nezu Foundation Institutional Repository!

The Musashi Academy of the Nezu Foundation Institutional Repository is the system which had a purpose of making public widely, collecting and saving the science research and education result.

It is exhibiting the paper of the including to the bulletin 7 magazines (The Journal of Musashi University, The Journal of Human and Culture Sciences, Journal of the Musashi Sociological Society, Journal of Musashi University Comprehensive Research Organization, Musashi Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Association for Liberal Arts & Sciences at Musashi University, The Musashi Bulletin-Musashi High School and Junior High School-)which is published in Musashi Academy of the Nezu Foundation Institutional Repository.

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武蔵大学論集 「The Journal of Musashi University」
武蔵大学人文学会雑誌 「The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences」
武蔵社会学論集 : ソシオロジスト 「The Sociologist : Journal of the Musashi Sociological Society」
Musashi Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences ISSN2758-5417
武蔵大学リベラルアーツ&サイエンス学会雑誌 ISSN2759-0194
武蔵大学総合研究機構紀要 「Journal of Musashi University Comprehensive Research Organization」
武蔵高等学校中学校紀要「The Musashi Bulletin -Musashi High School and Junior High School - 」


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