
武蔵大学論集 「The Journal of Musashi University」 >
2022年度・第70巻 第1号 >

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タイトル: The Bank of Japan's yield curve control: A model-based evaluation
著者: KAGURAOKA, Yusho
神楽岡, 優昌
キーワード: yield curve control
the Bank of Japan
Japanese government bond purchase
Jarrow-Li model
発行日: 2022年12月23日
出版者: 武蔵大学経済学会
抄録: The Bank of Japan has adopted the yield curve control (YCC) monetary policy since September 2016. While traditional monetary policies control the short-term rates, YCC tries to control and hold the 10 year Japanese government bond (JGB) yields at around zero percent. Moreover, YCC is implemented by purchases of the JGBs over any maturities. This study evaluates the effects of YCC by modifying a stochastic model proposed by Jarrow and Li (2014) [Review of Derivatives Research 17 (3), pp. 287-321]. Their model extends the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model to incorporate the effects of government bond purchases of a central bank. The model parameters are estimated using a Kalman filter technique. The empirical results reveal that YCC lowers the yield curve by 1.7553% per year.
内容記述: 論文
JEL classifications: E43, E52, E58, G12
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11149/2458
出現コレクション:2022年度・第70巻 第1号


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