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Showing results 79 to 98 of 2228
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Feb-2004E.クリークにおける教育と発達の関係 (黒澤英典教授記念号)金田, 健司
3-Feb-2006Early Foundation Legends of TateyamaHIRASAWA, Caroline
10-Dec-2009Economic Forecasters and Okun's LawMitchell, Karlyn; Pearce, Douglas K.
15-May-2000Edmond de Goncourt - Hayashi Tadamasa correspondance IIKoyama-Richard, Brigitte; 小山, ブリジット
15-Nov-2003Education, Authority, and the Novel : German Bildung versus Lawrencean 'Wholeness'Bell, Michael
31-Mar-2017Empirical Analysis of Payout Policy in Japan髙橋, 孝輔; TAKAHASHI, Kosuke
31-May-2022English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)とアイデンティティ~本校生徒を対象とした事例研究~齋藤, 浩一; SAITO, Koichi
27-Sep-2019Ethnic Social Capital Works as Substitute Family Networks Among Postwar Immigrant Japanese Women in the US.NAKANISHI, Yuko; 中西, 祐子
20-Dec-2016EU における地域経済格差と文化の関連性竹添, 友志; 大野, 早苗; TAKEZOE, Yushi; OHNO, Sanae
30-Jul-2010Examination of the Value Relevance of Footnote Information with Finance LeasesSAKAI, Eiko; 坂井, 映子
20-Dec-2016Excess comovement and investor attention in the Japanese stock marketTOKUNAGA, Toshifumi; YAMAMOTO, Rei; 徳永, 俊史; 山本, 零
30-Mar-2017Extensive Reading Project at the Musashi Communication VillageNAKAMURA, Shinobu; 中村, 詩のぶ
21-Feb-2000F. Scott Fitzgeraldは「神の子」か? : The great Gatsbyの曖昧さ (洲脇哲郎教授追悼号)稲垣, 浩二
3-Feb-2006Foregrounding Conflict: An Introductory Exploration of Some Recurrent Motifs in Derek Walcott's PoetryMinford, Paul
30-Mar-2020FTPLの基礎理論について吉田, 真理子; YOSHIDA, Mariko
15-Feb-2002Game theoretic multi-agent systems : the formal basis for simulation下川, 拓平
20-Oct-2020Gender Structure Which Causes International Migration: Postwar Immigrant Japanese Women and Gender Discrimination in Japan.NAKANISHI, Yuko; 中西, 祐子
17-Mar-2023Globalization: Major Contours and Implications for the Imagining of IdentitiesMINFORD, Paul
10-Jun-2014Harriet Martineau's Illustrations of Political Economy : Her style of political economyFUNAKI, Keiko; 舩木, 惠子
Showing results 79 to 98 of 2228
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