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Showing results 136 to 155 of 2228
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jul-2010La conversion de la princesse de Guéméné et la genèse de La Fréquente Communion : spiritualité et polémiqueMOCHIZUKI, Yuka; 望月, ゆか
10-Jun-2015La politique de diffusion des musées s’inscrit-elle dans le context de la diplomatie culturelle? Les débuts d’une politique de prêt des oeuvres des musées français à l’étranger.KINOSHITA, Harumi; 木下, 晴美
30-Mar-2020Language Learning Strategy Instruction to Raise EAP Freshman Students' Awareness of Being Independent LearnersNAKAMURA, Shinobu; 中村, 詩のぶ
10-Mar-2010Leptokurtic Properties of JGB Yield Processes Some Comments about the Changes of the Meaning/ Concept of "Keiei" Compared with "Management"KAGRAOKA, Yusho; 神楽岡, 優昌
10-Dec-2009Looking Back at Lehman: An Empirical Analysis of the Financial Shock and the Effectiveness of CountermeasuresSterling, William P.
1-Mar-2024maximum theoremのある拡張について伊藤, 成康; ITO, Nariyasu
5-Jun-2008Mega-city and Mega-projects: The impact on a Working-Class Residential Area in Greater Tokyo武田, 尚子; TAKEDA, Naoko
20-Jul-2007Metzler の在庫循環モデルの数学的構造について江畑, 嘉敏; 黒坂, 佳央
24-Mar-2023Microsoft Teamsの「音読の練習」機能を利用した外国語授業三澤, 真; MISAWA, Makoto
20-Mar-2001Multiple equilibria and externalities in an endogenous growth model with public capitalHIRAYAMA, Shigeyuki; 平山, 滋之
17-Mar-2023Musashi Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences : Words on the launch of the Journal by the Chairperson of Musashi Association of Liberal Arts and SciencesTOGO, Ken
27-Jun-2011「Musashi Student Attitudes Towards Studying Abroad」に関する研究報告マサハート, ブライアン
6-Mar-2014NGO運動における「正当化」の社会学的考察 -アドボカシーを中心とする環境運動と公共圏-佐藤, 直樹
20-Oct-2000『Nhung thien duong mu』の題名をめぐる考察加藤, 麻子
20-Mar-2001『Nhung thien duong mu』末部の解決策に関する考察加藤, 麻子
22-Mar-2011NPO外部評価における中間支援組織の役割と現状粉川, 一郎; KOGAWA, Ichiro
1-Mar-2001OECD諸国におけるマクロ・パフォーマンス : ファクト・ファインディング (加藤三郎教授古稀記念号)黒坂, 佳央
20-Jan-2000On the effectiveness of worksharing as a macro-economic policy木下, 富夫
30-Nov-2011On the Long-Run Holding Returns of Japanese Stocks: Individual Stocks vs. PortfoliosKUBOTA, Keiichi; TOKUNAGA, Toshifumi; WADA, Kenji; 久保田, 敬一; 徳永, 俊史; 和田, 賢治
31-Jul-2015Ownership, Quality of Earnings, and Family Firms in JapanEBIHARA, Takashi; KUBOTA, Keiichi; TAKEHARA, Hitoshi; YOKOTA, Eri; 海老原, 崇; 久保田, 敬一; 竹原, 均; 横田, 絵里
Showing results 136 to 155 of 2228
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