
武蔵大学総合研究機構紀要 「Journal of Musashi University Comprehensive Research Organization」 >
No.33 >

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Title: 訳者解説―現在の中国における『群書治用』の「活用」とその背景
Other Titles: Translator's Note: The Current Utilization of 'Qunshu Zhiyao' in China and Its Background
Authors: 安藤, 潤一郎
ANDO, Junichiro
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2024
Publisher: 武蔵大学総合研究機構
Description: 小特集東西の善政論と君主鑑
Special Feature: Theories of Good Governance and Mirrors for Princes in the East and West
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11149/2649
Appears in Collections:No.33

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