武蔵大学総合研究機構紀要 「Journal of Musashi University Comprehensive Research Organization」 >
No.33 >
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Title: | (伝える側の視点から考える)被爆体験の伝承における課題 |
Other Titles: | Tasks about Handing on the Experiences of A-bomb Survivors to the Next Generations (Consideration from an A-bomb Survivor's Point of View) |
Authors: | 徳久, 美生子 TOKUHISA, Mioko |
Issue Date: | 20-Sep-2024 |
Publisher: | 武蔵大学総合研究機構 |
Description: | 論文・研究ノート・翻訳 研究ノート Articles, Research Notes and Translation Research Note |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11149/2645 |
Appears in Collections: | No.33
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