
Browsing by Author TANI, Kenji

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Mar-2019How Did the Cold War Affect the Occupation Regimes in Japan and Germany after 1945? ─Thoughts on Restoration Assistance─TANI, Kenji; 谷, 憲治
20-Oct-2020The Development of Taiwan under the Rule of Japan -In Light of Education-TANI, Kenji; 谷, 憲治
20-Sep-2022The Education in Taiwan under the Rule of Japan -As a Tool of Assimilation-TANI, Kenji; 谷, 憲治
20-Sep-2024The General History of Educational Systems in Malaya before the British Colonial PeriodTANI, Kenji; 谷, 憲治
20-Sep-2021The History and Present State of Korean Diaspora in Japan, and Their ProblemsTANI, Kenji; 谷, 憲治
Showing results 2 to 6 of 6
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